The curator has collected a lot of classical music boxes which are skillfully designed and manufactured by Swiss and German people. As for everyday clothes, I’ve worn them a few times. But if it’s a formal dress, I’ll only wear these two dresses. I have several identical lace tops (same style) at least 2-3 different colors and strangely enough I have at least 15-20 black skirts and black pants 😂😎. My favorite outfit is the Rtfc Reading The Card Explains The Card T-Shirt But I will love this one I’m wearing right now and it’s my birthday outfit. I’m a nudist and at home I’m always naked.
If given the Rtfc Reading The Card Explains The Card T-Shirt But I will love this choice, I would wear casual clothes every day. I feel much more comfortable with jeans and a t-shirt or sweater. Unfortunately, my job requires me to wear formal attire like a vest or trousers with a formal shirt, which I really don’t like, so I just wear casual clothes on my days off. . Casual outfits like shorts and t-shirts are the perfect and ultimate combo. If you want to know and discover more outfits like this, visit