Above: This bra sags, and so is her pose. The right side of the Official Golden knight austin & rui shirt and by the same token and shirt is tight, the chest is straight across the chest, not stooped because it is not enough to support the chest. If the bra you’re wearing isn’t comfortable, chances are it’s not right for you. However, unless you take the time to figure out exactly what is wrong, it will be difficult to pinpoint the specific problem. If your bra bothers you, ask yourself:
Is your cup open in the Official Golden knight austin & rui shirt and by the same token and front or is your chest spilling over the sides of the cup? Either way, your cup size may not be exact. If you have an underwire, do you feel it sinking into the center or sides of your chest? This could mean that your bra doesn’t fit your bust shape. Has the belt slipped or nicked your shoulder? If so, they may need to be adjusted or you may need a different bra. There is no doubt that bra sizes are confusing. While you can measure your bra size yourself, it’s best to talk to a lingerie specialist so they can help you determine your perfect size. They can help you find a bra that’s not only the right size, but has the right shape and style for your needs.