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You will come to our country and we will welcome you with open arms. Tell us where you come from, why you’re here, what you like. We really want to know. Broken on the Nathanwpyle I Observed The Event Bystander Did Nothing Shirt but in fact I love this side of the road in the middle of the countryside? You’ll likely find a friendly American who will get you back on the road and get you where you need to be.
We are the Nathanwpyle I Observed The Event Bystander Did Nothing Shirt but in fact I love this only country in the world that is not even based on ethnicity, religion or anything other than the simple idea of freedom. So black, white, Christian, Buddhist…anyone can be an American. And we absolutely love that fact. The truth is… Americans are probably some of the rudest, most arrogant imperial bastards in the world today. We are also one of the most generous, kind and sincere believers that you, armed with freedom and liberty, can do whatever you want to do. And we’re going to fight hard for those freedoms whether you’re an American or not.