A well-trimmed beard creates a calm, contemplative face with a rather attractive mustache. Hair is combed and combed, tied at the Cringey Tees Wake Up Cry Rat Shirt and I love this neck with a string. Eyes fully open. Here is another description of the Vikings. Beards and mustaches are well-trimmed. Eyes open and most likely a smile on the lips. Regular beautiful teeth represent a healthy and enjoyable life.
This comb was found not far from my house. Uppakra was a settlement south of Lund that existed between 200 and 900 AD. The comb is beautifully decorated and well used. Ibn Fadlan describes the Cringey Tees Wake Up Cry Rat Shirt and I love this Rus (Vikings of the East) as “perfect” physical specimens and that the Rus’ hygiene was disgusting (also surprising to note that they combed their hair daily) and considered them is vulgar and uncomplicated.